Requirement Engineering

Quality of product
Without well written document
-- Developers do not know what to build
-- Customers do not know what to expect
-- What to validate
Requirements describe
What not How
Produces one large document written in natural language
contains a description of what the system will do without
describing how it will do it.
Process that creates it

Requirement Engineering
Requirement Engineering is the disciplined application of
proven principles, methods, tools, and notations to describe a
proposed system’s intended behavior and its associated
SRS may act as a contract between developer and customer.
State of practice
Requirements are difficult to uncover
• Requirements change
• Over reliance on CASE Tools
• Tight project Schedule
• Communication barriers
• Market driven software development
• Lack of resources

A University wish to develop a software system for the
student result management of its M.Tech. Programme. A
problem statement is to be prepared for the software
development company. The problem statement may give
an overview of the existing system and broad expectations
from the new software system.


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