Waterfall Model

• One of the older SDLC models
• Each single step in the process of system development is first written down in the form of specifications and reports. Only then are the actual phases initiated in practice
• The execution of a project appears as a sequence of stages in which the output of each stage becomes the input for the next
• The stages in Waterfall method are divided into the ff:

1. Project planning / feasibility study – commonly known as Requirements Stage. It is in this stage that developers/stakeholders determine the project goal
2. System analysis – refines project goals into defined functions and operations. It also analyses end-user information needs (Specification stage)
3. System design – describes desired features and operations in detail (Design stage)
4. Implementation / Coding (Implementation stage)
5. Integration and testing – brings all the individual system components into one, then testing it for errors, bugs, etc. (Integration stage)
6. Acceptance, Installation, Deployment – final stage of development where the software is put into production
7. Maintenance – this goes on apparently forever since changes, additions, etc are always essential, important and needed in a software application especially in the area that involves business and monetary transactions.
• Drawbacks
1. Works well on simplistic activities
2. Assumes that the only role of users is in specifying requirements and that all requirements can be specified in advance. Unfortunately, requirements grow and change
3. It is, thus, well suited to projects that has low risk in the areas of user interface and performance


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