Sample Progress 4GL Query to check duplicate customer in the table
Sample Query to check duplicate customer in the table Define buffer mBuf FOR xx_mstr. Define buffer kBuf FOR xx_mstr. Define temp-table tt Field tt_recid as recid . Empty temp-table tt. Output to "Duplicate_records.xls". FOR EACH each xx_mstr no-lock : FIND first tt where tt_recid = recid(xx_mstr) no-lock NO-ERROR. IF avail tt THEN next. FIND First mBuf where mBuf.cust-num = xx_mstr.cust-num and recid(mBuf) <> recid(xx_mstr) no-lock no-error. IF avail mBuf THEN do: Export delimiter "~011" mBuf. FOR EACH kbuf where kbuf.cust-num = xx_mstr.cust-num : create tt Assign tt_recid = recid(mBuf). END. End. END. output close.