In the below example we have fetched the First and Last Date of the current month, you can customized it and can use as per your requirement. Define variable date1 as date no-undo. Define variable date2 as date no-undo. run Default_date. Message "First Date of Current Month" date1 " ----" " Last Date of Current Month " date2 view-as alert-box. PROCEDURE Default_date: Define variable m_session as character no-undo. Assign m_session = SESSION:DATE-FORMAT. IF INDEX (m_session , "m") = 2 THEN do: IF INDEX (m_session , "y") = 3 then do: IF Month(Today) <> 12 THEN Assign date1 = date("01" + "/" + String(Month(Today)) + "/" + String(YEAR(TODAY))) date2 = date("01" + "/" + String ( ( Month...