Progress 4GL interview questions for QAD technology

1.       What is “No-undo” in the variable declaration?
2.       What are the different .pf parameters
3.       What are the different types of  locks in progress? Explain with example. If a record is locked Exclusively, can a shared lock be provided over the same?
4.       What are different type of procedures in progress? Can internal procedure call other internal procedure? If yes how? If no why no? Can external procedure call internal procedures?
5.       How is array defined in progress? What is the limit of extent for progress? Can we create 2 dimensional / multi dimensional arrays in progress / How? If no then how can we achieve the same?
6.       What are browses?
7.       What are queries?
8.       Can we call excel application from progress? How?
9.       What is the difference between can-find and find?
10.    What are the different types of triggers available in progress? Name few database level triggers.
11.    What are the different types of parameters for a procedure
12.    Can we pass buffer or temp tables as parameter for a procedure
13.    What is the difference between temporary table and work table
14.    What is record scoping, frame scoping
15.    What is dead lock, what is the default lock
16.    What is index ? what is the the default index
17.    Difference between break by and by
18.    What is the difference between define variable,define new shared define global variable.
19.    What is meant by buffer
20.    What is a sequence .
21.    How do u put find in for each
22.    Can u delete a record in the buffer , will it affect the main table.
23.    How  can we take incremental .df
24.    Command for taking online backup
25.    Command for online backup
26.    What is the difference between find and can find.
27.    What is primary and unique index on a table, why are these two different
28.    What will the accum return if the accumulate does not return any value
29.    What is the difference between find and find-first
30.    How can u update the .df and .d at a client side which does not have access to the data dictionary
31.    What is meta schema
32.    What is transaction scope ?
33.    If the column width is more than the page width how can u display the information
34.    How can u display some information on the top of every page
35.    What are the types of the files in a progress database
36.    Write the syntax  for the form header and footer
37.    How to convert  single volume database to multi-volume?
38.    What is the diff between function and procedure?
39.    What are persistent and non-persistent procedures?
40.   Why Editing Phrase is use in Program?


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