Progarm to check menu access in qad ee version
/*program to check if user test have access to menu journal entry create*/ {us/mf/mfdtitle.i} define temp-table ttvrl no-undo Field ttvrl_role as character Field ttvrl_id as Integer. define variable m_usr as character no-undo. define variable m_avl as Logical no-undo. Assign m_usr = "test". For First mnd_det no-lock where mnd_nbr = "25.13.1" and mnd_select = 1 : For each resource where resourceUri = mnd_uri no-lock : For each roleresource where roleresource.resource_id = resource.resource_id no-lock : For first role where role.role_id = roleresource.role_id and RoleIsActive no-lock : if can-find (First ttvrl where ttvrl_role = role.rolename ) then . ...